People Share their Experiences with Liberation

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Body, Mind, Spirit

People share their experiences related to body sensations and changes or improvements; the effects of Liberation on states of mind, awareness, consciousness and thought patterns; and reflections on the impact of Liberation on the soul or spirit journey.

  • I’ve tried many healing modalities: chemical, mental and physical. Since taking it, Liberation has had a serious impact and effect on my state of mind. I took one dose before going to qi gong and tai chi and I had such a deep, calm practice – which I must add is one of the ‘goals’ of Wushu practice. I was also quite sensitive to my body which was great! I must add that I felt like I was in a space of being untouchable (not in an egotistical power-oriented way), but even now after dosing yesterday at 5 am still feeling the effects. Thank you for what you are bringing to this life. So I'm not going to explain the detail as it’s personal but the moral of this story is I had physically exerted myself to the point at which, under normal circumstances, I would no longer be able to continue. But just as I needed to push on, I had a dose of Liberation and a peace (stillness) overcame my mind and allowed me to continue – I could feel my body was under serious strain but it became a mind over matter scenario. As Adamas has said, the effects are different for everyone so obviously don't expect any specific results.

    James Grobler // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I've been doing qi gong daily for 10 years. Since taking Liberation I am going deeper and deeper, and my instincts have become sharper and the chi is flowing deeply into my cells – along with this is a gentle and deep connection to Source. I am Liberating so many old beliefs and patterns. It is a powerful transformational remedy inducing huge shifts on many levels. I will certainly continue using it for the powerful magic it's inviting into my life, seen directly as changes and growth. People even tell me my face is changing and that I am lighter and more direct. Beautiful, thanks Adam. Every day I experience such joyful liberating shifts since using this magical remedy.

    Michel Scholtz // Cape Town, South Africa
  •   Liberation has shown me that there is actually always a solution that encompasses all involved, which is beneficial for individual growth/lessons – no matter the stage of evolution/and the person played in the scenario. Liberation is not just tackling past stuff/embedded memory but assisting with present issues at an exponential rate. Issues I have been stressing about or trying to figure out have unfolded through events on their own, with not much effort on my part except to observe and be seen for what it actually is, resolving any open-ended scenarios. I am also finding it easier to cope emotionally with all that is going on in the world – like slicing through dualistic drama, although not in an apathetic way, but more liberated neutrality in that all will be cleansed. Liberation is the ultimate problem-solving remedy for navigating reality. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your gift Adamas.

    Holly Beaton // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I feel as if, rather than 'spacing out', I'm 'spacing in'.  I keep finding myself utterly absorbed in very deep contemplation and connection, almost as if I'm dropping from Zero Gravity back to 1G and hitting the ground with aplomb.  As if the ground is just sucking me in and all else that I'm mentally connected to is sinking away. I've also had moments of not experiencing or being able to consciously connect to physical sensation.  I was in the shower today, at the swimming pool, and though the water was running over my head I couldn't feel it and yet whilst swimming in the water I felt completely seamless with it.  It's as if I'm being rearranged, in a very good way.

    Sophie Young // Exeter, Devon, UK
  • Always interesting to take a dose of liberation and drive somewhere you have not been for a while and watch the flood of memories associated with that place arise to be seen processed and then let go of.  It is amazing how much memory is associated with place and how much we hold onto in cellular memory. But when we clear the memories of that place then we may truly see it for the first time freshly cleaned of the memories which try to tell us how to react to it. The Buddhists talk about coming naked to the moment, to see things with a fresh eye and this becomes harder and harder to do the more we have seen something.  Liberation definitely helps us with this by flushing these memories so we truly see what is in front of us at that moment and not the idea or the memories of it.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I now believe that Liberation can also confirm, if not reveal to you what your path entails. What gifts lie beneath so to speak.

    Marie Coveley // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Liberation is super effective, super quick! Your own negative outdated thoughts, alternative life events and circumstances, decisions or opportunities that were never taken just fall away, purged out of the physical body through the waterfall flow of hot tears of suppressed, uncirculated, stagnant emotions... Just beautiful to behold! Thank you, Adamas Incendia! My bottle is finished and is so effective that I'm not sure I will need more . . . watching and feeling the space.

    Valerie Roscoe // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Taking Liberation has been like turning the key and opening the door to my very own inner personal sanctuary and soul healing room.

    Cézanne Sickle – Cape Town, South Africa
  • Having just started on my third bottle of Liberation I am in absolute awe of its magical transformational effects. Each bottle has brought up such shifts and empowering changes and I am in absolute gratitude that the universal synchronicity connected me to you and it at the perfect time. On the weekend I had some incredible events where I bumped into an old acquaintance and an old long-time boyfriend and when I saw him I just felt such peace instead of the hurt and pain he brought on me and I actually put my arms around him and gave him a hug. Needless to say he was taken totally by surprise and I felt this huge cloud lift from my crown chakra that had obviously been hanging there subconsciously. I got a bit tearful after that but not from sadness, more from this elation that swept through my heart and this freedom from heart break. On another note I've had friends remark how much brighter my face and aura looks and how much younger I am looking too. This remedy is working on so many levels; I am excited to see what the third bottle does. Truly it is remarkable to feel the vibration elevating to a new level of consciousness.

    Michel Scholtz // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Lying awake this morning before getting up watching all the kinks and constrictions in my thinking from money to work to interactions with people slowly unwind and reach a more effortless and perfected version of themselves. Essentially thinking in a more effortless manner around everything. On bottle five I only take liberation once every four days and this is enough to keep the process moving along at an enjoyable pace. I get to watch as all my own meta programming slowly realigns to a better version of itself.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • One of the great side effects of Liberation is that problems that one goes to sleep with often are sorted out by the time one wakes.  I have noticed this on a number of occasions and I can only attribute it to the cleaning of the whole body-mind which makes the solution of problems an almost effortless process.  Yes one has to give the problem some thought but often the work of it is taken care of in the thinking about it somehow.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Having been through a fair amount of trauma in my 22 years here (and prior etc), I have been doing work to return to and learn my nature.  This has been done with an element of anxiety that no matter what I do I will never escape the memories/bindings of the past. For the first time in a while I truly feel like I’m reintegrating parts of myself I’ve lost to trauma/hurt/guilt.  Some parts I had blocked from my memory but still sat within me like open wounds.  I am able to see a reality in which I can refine my being to its pure nature while still being in this body, and not so weighed down by distractions/the past.  I am able to look back at all that used to debilitate me and see some of its purpose, as well as be at peace with where I am now so I can go forward from here with dedicated intention. Big chunks of mental/emotional/physical obstacles are being cleared and simplified.  Thank you for your gift Adamas.

    Holly Beaton // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Another thing I’m noticing is I ask people for what I want now instead of saying “do you mind”, “if it’s not too much trouble” bla bla bla.  Instead of having that knot in my stomach I'm asking for what I need.  So effectively what I’m speaking of is standing in your power.  It’s seems I’m starting to do that!  I feel that I’m arriving at a new state I’ve been working towards for some time.  In fact since I’ve been on Liberation.

    Marie Coveley // Cape Town, South Africa
  • After a couple days, I noticed that during the day I felt a lot calmer and focused on work.  More productive, yet very calm (which is something I’ve needed as I tend to over work and stress quite a lot as a normal state of function which isn't good).  I am looking forward to continuing the journey with liberation and what will unfold.

    Callis Masureik // Pretoria, South Africa
  • My connection with the natural world is so amplified that when I sit out at night I can see the air moving and the leaves breathing.  The moon gives off kaleidoscopic vibrations and the feelings of joy at this time are very deep.  If I eat something my body doesn't like I'm having an instant reaction which is helpful, if a little disappointing (Danish pastries, “No”) at times.  I'm being pulled up on my lifestyle choices very sharply. I've been noticing habits that no longer serve me, such as massive procrastination mainly due to lack of confidence, and remedying them.  I feel more whole these days.  More confident.  More, well . . . just more!

    Jane Jenkins // Bali, Indonesia
  • The road has not been all sunshine and roses for me. As a person who harbours a lot of unprocessed trauma from the past, well, I feel Adam’s metaphor of wading through your own crocodile infested waters describes some of what I've been feeling quite accurately.  The blessing here is that when true progress is being made on a path of healing, I believe all weaknesses whether they are physical, spiritual, or emotional come to the surface to be acknowledged, embraced, and then shed.  So I am currently in the process of embracing some of the darker aspects of my self.

    Jocelyn Matheson // Ontario, Canada
  • I’m ¾ the way through my first bottle of Liberation and what a ride it’s been.  My work colleague has been observing me and reckons I’m happy and glowing.  I have noticed improvement in my concentration, (fixing small devices needs a lot), memory and organisational skills in particular.  I think I might have got a month’s work done in 2 weeks!  At least that’s how it feels.

    Louise Bally // NSW, Australia


People share dream experiences and interpretations where they contribute towards transformation experienced in their daily lives.

  • It’s definitely been a bumpy start with my dear friend Liberation and if this post can serve as an encouragement for those of you who need it, that’ll do.  I double-dosed the remedy for a few days, but nothing happened.  No memory, no exceptional feeling, no more than the usual energetic waves going through my body . . .  I ended up getting a second bottle and then Boo!  The dance with Liberation started. Last night I had such a vivid dream, and its connotation was so crystal clear when I woke up.  I dreamt of a past lover, not a nice guy, who kept on leading me on and we never concluded anything.  Eventually he told me in the dream that he did not want to be with me.  What was amazing is that I fully accepted his decision and I finally felt like a closure occurred.  I woke up relieved.  Thank you, I'm so grateful for letting me dig deeper into myself.

    Nora Si // Milan, Italy
  • The effects on my dream realm were noticed immediately after one dose.  My dreams prior were typically very vivid, almost cinematic, and easily remembered upon waking.  Notable changes after the first drops that lasted about two weeks: My dreams no longer played out as long movie-like sagas, rather they appeared more like 'visions'; quick sporadic flashes of unrelated situations.  I also began to notice I couldn't retain much memory of these flashes after waking.  Three of these flashes were very vivid and memorable though, and very symbolic in nature.

    Jocelyn Matheson // Ontario, Canada
  • I love my work and have very thin boundaries when it comes to create space for myself and those I love.  The dream showed me how I come from very committed hard workers ancestors who forgot to have fun and rest.  This is totally true but never saw it before with such clarity.  I could see in the most exquisite and sophisticated way the loop I fall into over and over and how this is weaved in my cellular memory.  Now, with my clear intentions of setting myself free and taking Liberation I'm given the opportunity of repatterning.

    Sole Satiam Paz-Terriaz // Stroud, United Kingdom
  • Firstly I dreamt I was back with an old girlfriend, a relationship that had ended quite badly and abruptly a long time ago and in the dream she was about to give birth and we were happy. I woke with a start but since this never happened I was able to let go of the what-if scenario I had been harbouring in my memory and leave it behind once and for all. The emotional energy that was tied up with this memory then floated free to be used however I wanted. The second dream that Liberation brought me and then laid to rest was one of my greatest fears. In the dream, which was totally real, I watched the mother of my child – who was driving the car – ignore my warning and crash into the sea. I jumped out to save my daughter who was in the back and tried to get back to the car which was sinking. I could not get her out so I swam to shore for help, help which I failed to get from friends. I then had to sit with the knowledge she had died and I had always said that if she died I would leave too. But this time I just tasted it and sat in the pain and knew that I could survive it. I woke up in total terror to find my daughter sleeping happily next to me. The interesting part of it was that afterwards, when I looked into the part of my mind where the fear of her dying was, it was gone. Experiencing the feeling had removed the fear of it and this was the gift Liberation had brought me.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I am prone to extreme dreaming – the vivid movie length kind and I am fascinated by what is occurring since I started working with Liberation. The dreams are longer, deeper, clearer and more intense. So many fascinating dreams and dreams within dreams and also deja vu in the dreams. I am in full trust of this medicine. Thank you so much Adamas for this potent potion.

    Nia Hope Tucker // United Kingdom
  • I had one very strange dream that felt completely real and where it seemed the inter-dimensional walls (space, time, parallel universes) between aspects of my being became very thin or disappeared completely. After I finished the first bottle there was indeed a sense of Liberation that allowed me to move forward on several things I'd been dithering about such as self-defense classes. I felt a huge desire to move forward and conquer and achieve so my masculine aspect was clearly the beneficiary of this experience. I've just finished my second bottle; elegantly in sync with the full moon and I can feel myself gearing up for another surge forward. Or rather, I can feel freed up energy gathering within. Yeeha.

    Robyn MacLarty // Cape Town, South Africa
  • After taking Liberation, I had a dream in which I was with my daughter and a group of people listening to a voice that comes from above. It was telling us that we will be able to be free ourselves and that we are breaking the chains.

    Valentina Correa Bove // London, United Kingdom
  • I’ve been taking Liberation since January this year and I have found I am facing my patterns around the masculine. It’s not easy to realise my patterning is still so present after years of therapy and self-development work. However I am grateful to be seeing the pattern instead of unconsciously making the same mistakes. I had a dream last night that I got back together with a guy I really loved and lived with when I was 25. I was really heartbroken when it ended and have carried lots of shame for how I was in the relationship. In the dream we were in Spain on holiday. He was still a free spirit and we both had kids. We understood each other more and were finding a way to be with each other and have a sense of our freedom too. Gratitude Adamas for this wonderful medicine.

    Melanie Griffiths // Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Just after a long period of not having any significant dreams, the first night on Liberation I had one of the most vivid and significant dreams I have ever had. I was moving out of a very high building while carrying a big load of long sticks in my arms. When I was about to go down the very deep stairs someone got in my way and all the sticks fell from my arms. One of them fell to the side of the stairs into the abyss. There was a bird feeder that looked like a glass capsule attached to the side of the stairs. I was so worried the stick would hit it and the broken glass would hurt people in the courtyard. The stick did hit the capsule which in turn hit the ground making the same impact as an atomic bomb would. Everything went in very slow motion and I could see the crystal glass spreading around like a cloud. A deep sense of silence and timelessness followed. After that, a series of events happened in my 3D life which manifested in a thick skin of crystallised beliefs being shredded.

    Sole Satiam Paz-Terriaz // Stroud, United Kingdom
  • I experienced dreaming in the early stages of taking the remedy. One relationship that still carries a lot of pain was experienced as supremely tender and loving. I still wasn't able to cut the karmic cords and let go of it though. Now I find I am not remembering my dreams but am waking with tears eager to flow and I'm aware of deeply entrenched patterns, though don't understand why they are there or how they arose. I'm working with Liberation and obsidian and feeling very held by the intentions of both these energies. It certainly feels like a deep clearing is occurring, which I can only observe and acknowledge from a place of patience and faith. I feel like a deep reconnection to my soul self is occurring on some level.

    Jodie Browne // Bristol, United Kingdom
  • I find Liberation gives such key insights and more importantly FELT experiences in dreaming.  This allows me to clear things long stuck in my psyche so quickly now.  Truly Liberating!

    Lorienne Vos // Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
  • Since taking Liberation, I am frequently remembering my dreams and am gaining a lot of insight. A recent dream showed me I have actually known many ambivalent men. Not just the last relationship I had, where I came out of it thinking this was the first ambivalent man I had been with. This dream helped me make links with my patterning in childhood and bring it to my consciousness as I think before it was very blocked! I am finding the work to be very deep.

    Melanie Griffiths // Bristol, United Kingdom

On Taking Liberation

People share their experiences of taking Liberation. Specifically on things such as when it is taken, in conjunction with other substances, effects and other observations.

  • My own experience with liberation thus far has been nothing short of epic.  I tried my best to begin this journey with as little expectation as possible.  With this approach of non-interference, the remedy has been given full freedom to work with me on its own terms . . . and I'm quite literally blown away by the insights, opportunities for self reflection and forgiveness, and the permission to feel the full spectrum of my emotions liberation has allowed.

    Jocelyn Matheson // Ontario, Canada
  • On bottle 5 I have just had a two weeks break to re-establish and refine my relationship with Liberation.  After this break I had a dosis in the morning and then before bed.  The clarity and intensity of the dream I had was profound.  I really understood the repatterning that is required for me to shift certain aspects of my health.

    Sole Satiam Paz-Terriaz // Stroud, United Kingdom
  • I'm on my second bottle of Liberation now and am dosing every second day with this one as I'm feeling very sensitive on it.  In a nutshell, what the process feels like for me is a fine tuning of my whole system similar to the one I underwent when I did Reiki 1 many years ago.

    Jane Jenkins // Bali, Indonesia
  • I'm onto my 3rd bottle and have been micro-dosing on San Pedro at the same time as taking Liberation. Yesterday I experienced an amplified connection to nature.  On a beach walk my feet could taste the saltiness of the sea, my eyes felt the veriditas streaming from the green coastal plants, and my skin literally drank in the warmth of the suns life juice.  It was magical!

    Lorienne Vos // Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
  • Other observations from bottle 5:  Once a lot of the debris of the past is cleared it frees one up to explore the more interesting aspects of reality like ones relationship with space and time.  I have come to realize that a lot of those relationships with space and time are truly subjective. One peers behind the veil of reality and enters the room with time and space and then the game really begins in earnest as one forges a new relationship with reality itself, one that truly works for you, one that is liberated from the chains of conditioned existence. Where to after that well quite simply wherever you like.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Just to clarify a few things about liberation.  It is a process, your own personal process back to yourself and in this process there will be ups and downs as the body memory clears a lot of the junk of the past and you come face to face with aspects of yourself that need to be integrated. Integration is important as then these patterns or memories can be brought to completion and then be re patterned in a more healthy way or left behind to leave space for something new.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Just when I think I can't go any deeper into the realm that is liberation a dose brings me right back into it.  I know it sounds strange coming from me but I am always amazed at the potency of this substance to shift me out of certain spaces. Liberation is definitely growing stronger the more people take it like a giant wave that is building that we all become a part of to sweep over the planet and bring healing and joy to whatever it touches.

    Adamas Incendia // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I have taken one bottle, slept with another under my pillow at times.  Experienced many incredible dreams and even twice have tried the second bottle during the day to even more stupendous moments.  So much gratitude to you Adam for this magical gift of Liberation which I now call Celebration!

    Sandra Jorge // Cape Town, South Africa
  • It’s definitely been a bumpy start with my dear friend Liberation and if this post can serve as an encouragement for those of you who need it, that’ll do.  I double-dosed the remedy for a few days, but nothing happened.  No memory, no exceptional feeling, no more than the usual energetic waves going through my body . . .  I ended up getting a second bottle and then Boo!  The dance with Liberation started.  

    Nora Si // Milan, Italy
  • I practice connecting in with Liberation before I take it and that simple act has become a sweet daily practice to connect back to myself, remind me of the path I have chosen and of my intentions and open to what may appear in my day to be met, felt and brought home so to speak. In this way taking Liberation has become a daily little ritual honouring Life living me.

    Lorienne Vos // Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
  • I also started using obsidian as a therapy in September. Together, I feel they are complimenting each other and I am happy to be shown my deeply ingrained patterns to create change. Change is what I am thirsty for.  

    Melanie Griffiths // Bristol, United Kingdom
  • One of the many things that amazed me about Adamas' masterpiece Liberation is that panch agni is in its formulation. Panch agni is made from the ash from four fires that have been burning continuously for the last 50 years while a purification mantra is relentlessly chanted. I invite you to reflect on the power of this. I was instructed to always carry panch agni around my neck and to even eat it if life got too much. When I started taking Liberation I did not know panch agni was in it, but I could feel my body’s thermoregulation functioning better. My Ayurvedic constitution is Pitta (fire). Fire being the element of the liver, I have always had to keep an eye on it. Since taking Liberation my liver feels lighter and I am enjoying a much healthier self-expression, kindness and forgiveness which are other qualities of the liver. It is true that I have had to release stagnant anger and emotions in the process, but I have felt very strong in it. The reason for this internal strength, I believe, is because you are not detoxing your liver or your cells with just anything. This is a high technology formulation with very powerful forces which protect the process, so yes, the emotions come out but there is a divine blueprint being awakened or restored.

    Sole Satiam Paz-Terriaz // Stroud, United Kingdom
  • Took a few drops of Liberation and it was active for weeks! Had a strong one in waking reality the other day – a random meeting with a person I was approached by. Afterwards took me back to a situation from 30 odd years ago and was really questioning if it was the same person. Who knows? Not important, but the energy of it was touched inside of me – quite Iboga-like I found.

    Lyndsay Muse // Cape Town, South Africa
  • So I took my first drops late at night two evenings ago and wow, I could not sleep! A good three hours of tossing and turning and a million things flying around in my mind. It felt like cards getting sliced through layers of my being if that makes any sense. The cards maybe bring memories? What came up the most were real moments where I felt I was not there enough for someone. These moments kept flashing from different places with different people but all held the same theme of feeling I should have been there for them more. I couldn’t remember my dreams but was quite exhausted the next day. During the day, besides being tired from too little sleep and having to go to work early, I felt really great! A little lighter. The afternoon I was able to enjoy some time under a beautiful big tree and this is hard to put into words – I could feel the remedy working – like reshuffling little layers into order? Taking some out and putting light in the gaps. Very hard to explain as vivid as it was. I have experiences a higher more intense concentration and clarity and connection to my body, which resulted in some necessary stretches to help it along. I apologise if it’s all a bit vague in my explanation but it’s really hard to put the fast action of work that was occurring into words. Transformation at a rapid speed is all I can say.

    Saskia Koerner // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I've been doing qi gong daily for 10 years. Since taking Liberation I am going deeper and deeper, and my instincts have become sharper and the chi is flowing deeply into my cells – along with this is a gentle and deep connection to Source. I am Liberating so many old beliefs and patterns. It is a powerful transformational remedy inducing huge shifts on many levels. I will certainly continue using it for the powerful magic it's inviting into my life, seen directly as changes and growth. People even tell me my face is changing and that I am lighter and more direct. Beautiful, thanks Adam. Every day I experience such joyful liberating shifts since using this magical remedy.

    Michel Scholtz // Cape Town, South Africa


Transformational effects of Liberation on daily living, inter-personal relations, spiritual evolution and the whole human experience are shared.

  • Started taking Liberation again now that I am eating all fruit and the feeling is that of total freedom, presence and bliss.

    Alex Schwenn // Cape Town, South Africa
  • There is something about being able to deal with whatever comes up.  I am more than half way through my first bottle, and I am really aware of this.  Facing things head on!

    Anne O Loughlin // Dublin, Ireland
  • One of the many things that amazed me about Adamas' masterpiece Liberation is that panch agni is in its formulation. Panch agni is made from the ash from four fires that have been burning continuously for the last 50 years while a purification mantra is relentlessly chanted. I invite you to reflect on the power of this. I was instructed to always carry panch agni around my neck and to even eat it if life got too much. When I started taking Liberation I did not know panch agni was in it, but I could feel my body’s thermoregulation functioning better. My Ayurvedic constitution is Pitta (fire). Fire being the element of the liver, I have always had to keep an eye on it. Since taking Liberation my liver feels lighter and I am enjoying a much healthier self-expression, kindness and forgiveness which are other qualities of the liver. It is true that I have had to release stagnant anger and emotions in the process, but I have felt very strong in it. The reason for this internal strength, I believe, is because you are not detoxing your liver or your cells with just anything. This is a high technology formulation with very powerful forces which protect the process, so yes, the emotions come out but there is a divine blueprint being awakened or restored.

    Sole Satiam Paz-Terriaz // Stroud, United Kingdom
  • I had one very strange dream that felt completely real and where it seemed the inter-dimensional walls (space, time, parallel universes) between aspects of my being became very thin or disappeared completely. After I finished the first bottle there was indeed a sense of Liberation that allowed me to move forward on several things I'd been dithering about such as self-defense classes. I felt a huge desire to move forward and conquer and achieve so my masculine aspect was clearly the beneficiary of this experience. I've just finished my second bottle; elegantly in sync with the full moon and I can feel myself gearing up for another surge forward. Or rather, I can feel freed up energy gathering within. Yeeha.

    Robyn MacLarty // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I started working with Liberation about 2 months ago. I can honestly say my whole life is transforming in the most amazing way. I feel much more connected to my heart and presence than ever before. I feel my expression is more authentic. I’m more connected to Source and I feel open to the world in a more joyful way. I feel more courageous, more joyful and unburdened! I experience more of me present and able to work through challenges that arise and I no longer get caught up in old unhelpful patterns and behaviours. I feel lightness in my body and experience my body changing, flowing more freely. I notice that old eating patterns have changed. I have more energy again and I feel able to imagine renewed health and vitality! I am so excited to be on this journey of Liberation and can’t recommend highly enough the integrity and intention of this potent medicine. I honour you and your work deeply Adamas. Deep gratitude.

    AnamCara Bowen, MSc Movement and Holistic Therapist // United Kingdom MSc Movement and Holistic Therapist
  • I’ve been taking Liberation since January this year and I have found I am facing my patterns around the masculine. It’s not easy to realise my patterning is still so present after years of therapy and self-development work. However I am grateful to be seeing the pattern instead of unconsciously making the same mistakes. I had a dream last night that I got back together with a guy I really loved and lived with when I was 25. I was really heartbroken when it ended and have carried lots of shame for how I was in the relationship. In the dream we were in Spain on holiday. He was still a free spirit and we both had kids. We understood each other more and were finding a way to be with each other and have a sense of our freedom too. Gratitude Adamas for this wonderful medicine.

    Melanie Griffiths // Bristol, United Kingdom
  • First bottle done.  What a positive journey so far.  My life has gotten a lot easier, I am not standing in my own way anymore.  Excited to see what bottle #2 will bring.

    Wilrich Niehaus // Cape Town, South Africa
  • It's fascinating how the bliss feeling is; catching myself singing and smiling loads.  Plus there’s this being able to observe myself now, more than ever before, in a 'good happy way'. Communication too: even find myself using words I am aware I haven't in the longest time to express my feelings of the moments.  So many people that I have bumped into wow!  Gifts I have been receiving.  It's incredibly moving; my extremely flowing existence and how much has transformed for me.  

    Sandra Jorge // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I took my first bottle in January and had rapid shifts.  My dreams were lucid and saturated in symbolism and detail.  In waking time perception distorted to open new forms of colour and light. I met with my ancestors on a winter’s day during which I shed deep wounds and received their strength of support urging me to step into the light of my being. In doing so I cried uncontrollably for hours. I’ve travelled inter-dimensionally from the earth’s core and it’s rawness, being hyper sensitive to the psychic realm, been in states of mystical bliss, received a breadth of downloads of sacred symbols, re-calibrated with sound spheres that sent me in altered realities and felt a deep and echoing trust in myself, in others, and in life.

    Usha Parmar // South West England, United Kingdom
  • Liberation has been extremely helpful to me in my personal process of self mastery, in very gentle, yet powerful ways. I have found that longstanding issues which I’ve been working on for a considerable time, suddenly clear up. It is as though the final piece of an incomplete puzzle just arrives, at exactly the right moment. Liberation offers me access to perspectives which I am mostly unable to with my view with my conscious mind. I gain access to exactly the required parts of my subconscious mind the moment my psyche is ready to receive it. This remedy is very powerful, yet it works as gently as a feather. I can recommend it to anyone who is traveling within, seeking to know, heal and master the Self. The only requirement is sincerity - if we are truly sincere in our seeking there is no limit in how far we can advance.

    Carla Swanepoel // Cape Town, South Africa
  •   Liberation has shown me that there is actually always a solution that encompasses all involved, which is beneficial for individual growth/lessons – no matter the stage of evolution/and the person played in the scenario. Liberation is not just tackling past stuff/embedded memory but assisting with present issues at an exponential rate. Issues I have been stressing about or trying to figure out have unfolded through events on their own, with not much effort on my part except to observe and be seen for what it actually is, resolving any open-ended scenarios. I am also finding it easier to cope emotionally with all that is going on in the world – like slicing through dualistic drama, although not in an apathetic way, but more liberated neutrality in that all will be cleansed. Liberation is the ultimate problem-solving remedy for navigating reality. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your gift Adamas.

    Holly Beaton // Cape Town, South Africa
  • Having just started on my third bottle of Liberation I am in absolute awe of its magical transformational effects. Each bottle has brought up such shifts and empowering changes and I am in absolute gratitude that the universal synchronicity connected me to you and it at the perfect time. On the weekend I had some incredible events where I bumped into an old acquaintance and an old long-time boyfriend and when I saw him I just felt such peace instead of the hurt and pain he brought on me and I actually put my arms around him and gave him a hug. Needless to say he was taken totally by surprise and I felt this huge cloud lift from my crown chakra that had obviously been hanging there subconsciously. I got a bit tearful after that but not from sadness, more from this elation that swept through my heart and this freedom from heart break. On another note I've had friends remark how much brighter my face and aura looks and how much younger I am looking too. This remedy is working on so many levels; I am excited to see what the third bottle does. Truly it is remarkable to feel the vibration elevating to a new level of consciousness.

    Michel Scholtz // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I'm not sure how to explain how liberation is working for me, but I do know I feel on top of my game, with consciousness rising about how to step up and through into new realms of being.  Definitely a freedom in my life I’ve not felt for a long time.

    Daniel Payne
  • Two weeks with Liberation and it’s been very supportive, like a strong base of support bringing in a lot of focused energy which allows me to cut through obstacles with ease. Quite magical.

    Kelcey Fredette // New York, USA
  • For the past three days I have given Liberation to my dog Casimir.  He comes from the streets of Romania and although I have had him for 1 ½ years he is very shy, has many fears, and is not cuddly.  He cries if left alone. He didn´t know how to play and was very cool and distanced when he came to me.  I had been taking Liberation for 2 ½ weeks and had the feeling I could give it to him as well.  Adamas recommended I make a glass with 100ml water and ONE drop Liberation and from this to give him 2ml with a dropper. Today I saw a BIG change in Casimir.  When we took a walk he was so happy and played joyfully, running with two other dogs.  Wow, he has never done that before!  He also made a lot of contact with other people, they could touch him . . . he was pure joy, free, enjoying friendship with the dogs and humans around him.   This opened my heart so much. Happy happy dog.  Thank you Liberation

    Christine Langnickel // Germany
  • So I took my first drops late at night two evenings ago and wow, I could not sleep! A good three hours of tossing and turning and a million things flying around in my mind. It felt like cards getting sliced through layers of my being if that makes any sense. The cards maybe bring memories? What came up the most were real moments where I felt I was not there enough for someone. These moments kept flashing from different places with different people but all held the same theme of feeling I should have been there for them more. I couldn’t remember my dreams but was quite exhausted the next day. During the day, besides being tired from too little sleep and having to go to work early, I felt really great! A little lighter. The afternoon I was able to enjoy some time under a beautiful big tree and this is hard to put into words – I could feel the remedy working – like reshuffling little layers into order? Taking some out and putting light in the gaps. Very hard to explain as vivid as it was. I have experiences a higher more intense concentration and clarity and connection to my body, which resulted in some necessary stretches to help it along. I apologise if it’s all a bit vague in my explanation but it’s really hard to put the fast action of work that was occurring into words. Transformation at a rapid speed is all I can say.

    Saskia Koerner // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I love all the similar experiences we are having around the world from the beautiful Liberation remedy. Clarity, ease, purification, lightness, deeper practice, focus and of course liberation from old residual memories on a cellular level that no longer serve us. A smooth blend of homoeopathy and alchemy.

    Saskia Koerner // Cape Town, South Africa
  • I experienced dreaming in the early stages of taking the remedy. One relationship that still carries a lot of pain was experienced as supremely tender and loving. I still wasn't able to cut the karmic cords and let go of it though. Now I find I am not remembering my dreams but am waking with tears eager to flow and I'm aware of deeply entrenched patterns, though don't understand why they are there or how they arose. I'm working with Liberation and obsidian and feeling very held by the intentions of both these energies. It certainly feels like a deep clearing is occurring, which I can only observe and acknowledge from a place of patience and faith. I feel like a deep reconnection to my soul self is occurring on some level.

    Jodie Browne // Bristol, United Kingdom