Become Liberated From Coronavirus Fears

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So with all this corona virus stuff going on the use of liberation and redemption becomes even more crucial as the less baggage we are carrying the more mobile we are and the better our immune system can come to the rescue.

Think of soldier going off to war where he is burdened by the weight of the past and all the unresolved memories of his life versus a soldier who has just ditched his backpack and the bulk of his emotional baggage and is light of foot and mentally strong and able to engage whatever comes up.

The value of redemption at this time is even more useful as it helps us break the bindings of conceptual structures like fear by re framing a lot of what is going on

. Like it not the corona virus and the ancillary chaos that it brings like quarantine and job losses is a sword that is being held over our heads but if we break the sword by refusing to play into it and ensure that we are as fluid as possible then our ability to find a good solution for ourselves increases exponentially.

To be loose at this time is the greatest gift we can give ourselves as then we can use the fear to unbind ourselves from its clutches and this is what everyone needs to do.

At the root of it all is that the structures will stop working and we will lose our income and starve and this is a very real fear for everyone unless you have farm.

But what will play out will play out and we are the architects of a lot of it but keeping a sane head and being as mutable as possible to adapt to the situation is what is being called forth from us all.

Some people feel that taking six bottles of liberation is the end of it but let me assure you it is not, the movie continues and it allows us to gather the gems of the experience continually and make sense of it all even in the middle of the madness.

Less weight of unresolved memory literally equals more happiness and more fluidity to adapt in which ever way is required. With redemption the more we break the boxes we have put ourselves in the more we are free to fly free into whatever new paradigm is arising around us.

I am not just writing this because i want you to buy more liberation and redemption but because it is literally true as it is the most adaptable that will survive the coming changes whatever they look like.

Locust plagues, whole countries under quarantine, collapsing workforces and job markets, earthquakes, volcanoes, grand solar minimums, stock market crashes, we are getting it all at once and we need to be light in order to survive

Creator of Liberation & Redemption

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